Welcome to ianpassion blog. Do not overwork workself! Eat, rest, and play. When we are going through a difficult situation, it is crucial to have the right attitude. Don't let fear destroy our vision of a better future. If we stay positive in a negative situation, WE WIN!

July 26, 2023

Happy My Father's Day To My 76 Years Old father

By Ianpassion
My father is 76 years old, 2023 

I should not have forgotten to greet my father Eduardo P. Labtic
a Happy Father's Day, even though it's already late. I was busy last weekend, so I couldn't greet him. 


May 27, 2023

Life's Journey to Finding Balance and Joy

By Ianpassion
Picture taken at Mae Klang Luang, Chiangmai, Thailand 

The choices we make shape where we are now. Every decision, big or small, influences the path we are on today. It is important to accept this reality and not dwell on regrets, because the challenges we face help us grow and become stronger. Remembering our past experiences can give us inspiration and wisdom to navigate our current lives.

Life is a special gift from God. However, we often get caught up in our daily routines and responsibilities, forgetting that life is meant to be enjoyed, not just an endless cycle of work. We should always remember to appreciate the beauty and wonder that surrounds us, even in the midst of our busy lives.


May 25, 2023

Fostering Peaceful Relationships

By Ianpassion
My son punching bag toy 

During the first week of my children's school, my son told me about one of his classmates who always tried to cut in front of him in the lunch line. Whenever my son tried to stop him, this boy would give him this defiant look. I asked my son if this boy was older or bigger than him. He replied that he was actually smaller but looked stronger than him.


Now, here comes the funny part. I decided to give my son some advice on how to handle the situation. I told him to avoid a physical confrontation and find peaceful solutions instead. But, guess what? Later that evening, he asked if he could hang his punching bag toy. Without really thinking it through, I agreed and set it up for him. Oh boy, was that a mistake! Just a few minutes later, I walked back into the room only to find the punching bag completely destroyed. Naturally, I asked my son what happened. And you know what he said? He said, "You know, Papa, I punched it until it broke!" I couldn't help but smile and told him that he's a little Hulk in the making.


A Prayer for Our Children's First Day At School

By Ianpassion
Picture taken at the pond behind our house

Today is a special day for our children, Nana and Nemi, as they start school. As parents, we feel a mix of excitement, anticipation, and a little nervousness. We want to say a heartfelt prayer to our Almighty Father, asking for His protection and guidance for our beloved children.


We kindly ask you Abba to watch over them while they are at school. We pray that You keep them safe and shield them from any harm, both physically and emotionally. May they feel secure and protected throughout their educational journey. We also pray for their well-being, and that they stay healthy, energetic, and enthusiastic as they face the joys and challenges of school.


February 16, 2023

You Can't Love Others If You Don't Like Your Self

By Ianpassion
Picture was taken on the way to Doi Inthanon, Northern Thailand, 2023 

The most important relationship we have is with our "self."

Too many people are not happy with their "self." They focus on what they don't have, on their flaws and failures. Why am I not like him or her? Instead of accepting themselves as a one-of-a-kind masterpiece created in the image of our Almighty Father, they wish to be someone else, to have a better life, and to have a different personality. 

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