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July 26, 2023

Happy My Father's Day To My 76 Years Old father

By Ianpassion
My father is 76 years old, 2023 

I should not have forgotten to greet my father Eduardo P. Labtic
a Happy Father's Day, even though it's already late. I was busy last weekend, so I couldn't greet him. 


One of my cherished memories from my childhood is working with him in the coconut farm. We used to harvest coconuts together using a long bamboo pole called "sungkit" in our local dialect. The plucking end of this pole had an iron sharp hook for cutting the coconuts. Some coconut trees were taller than 30 meters, but my father could still locate the main trunk of the fruit and cut it. He couldn't see the trunk, but he said he could feel it and would pull the pole to cut it. This pole was quite heavy, weighing around 10-15 kilograms. He would not only harvest one coconut tree but more than 100 trees. So, during the harvest season, he would come home late and exhausted. Sometimes he would have neck pain from spending hours looking up, and his hands and back would ache from lifting and pulling the bamboo to cut the coconuts. It was truly hard work.


Despite being busy during the harvest season, my father always found time to study the Scripture. He may not have completed seminary training, but his greatest desire above all else was to know the Almighty Father and have a relationship with Him. Unless he was sick, he never missed the prayer meetings and Sunday worship at our church in the village. One night, we went to a prayer meeting, and it was dark and raining slightly. He carried me on his shoulder because the path was wet and muddy. In his right arm, he held a torch made from dried coconut leaves. I could feel his excitement because I knew he was going to share the Father's Word and lead other believers in prayer. He told me that if you seek the Father Almighty first in everything you do, He will fill your heart with joy, fulfill your prayers, and complete you. I have witnessed this routine in his life even now, as he is already 76 years old. I thank the Father Almighty for healing him twice, once from kidney stones and again from prostate issues. In these remaining days of his life, his greatest desire is to glorify the Father and follow wherever He leads him.


Papa, I wish you health, joy, and love. I am proud of you, and I want to thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for our family. Happy Father's Day!

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