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January 13, 2022

Christmas 2021 Thanksgiving: Nana Says Thanks For Healing My Arm

By Ianpassion
Nana and Nemi were wrapping their Christmas gifts in 2021

I asked my daughter what she is thankful for this Christmas. She replied, "Papa I am thankful to our Father for healing my arm. Now the cast is off. This is my Christmas gift from Him." "Yes," I responded.

Abba says, "...call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” Yes, every day we call on Him. Every day we agree with Him. We say, " Yes Abba, we believe you and we agree with you, that you are our deliverer." My daughter Nana has personally experienced the power of booster shot- FAITH, speak faith and life every day. We say, "Yes Father thank you for your healing. Thank you for your protection." Now Nana's faith in our Father has increased. At her age (7), she begins to experience the supernatural and her personal Father in Heaven. As parents, it is our joy to see our children following the Lord and experiencing Him with us. We see this from Jesus as the Son of the Almighty Father. He said, "... I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me," (John 5:30). No wonder, the Father was so pleased with Him. Well, we will continue to pray for our children. We will continue to bring up our children in the way they should go, so when they grow older they will not depart from it. Blessings to all the parents. Wish you a very merry Christmas.

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